Monday, December 2, 2013

Last Weekend Riding for the Year!

Hope everyone had a marvelous holiday! I know I did!
Real Tree Camo..and a little riding. My family is so into it.
So we got breakfast Thanksgiving morning and then we were off. All of us going out to the pits. Its great that it is not only my family that does this, but many people in the surrounding area because for most people it is there last ride of the season. It is so much fun. We go off on our own ways but all meet up on top of the hill at a nice warm fire. As I was at the top warming up by the fire I was watching these guys. They were jumping and flipping off the sand dunes. It was crazy, I wish I got a video so you guys could see! It is a whole different world when you live to ride. You live by danger, but that is what keeps you going, as most of the older riders would say to me. That is just a little bit about my vacation hope yours was just as fun!
Here are some pictures:

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