Racing. Made for some difficult for others. I used to race and as long as I kept my helmet on I was one of the guys. It was such a good feeling. They rode just as hard, and they did not take it easy on me. They didn't know.
I won one race, it was completely amazing. I got off my bike and took my helmet off and then the boys were in shock. Some little kid in the crowd was telling his older brother "Matt you just got beat by a girl"...It was a great feeling. Ill never forget that day. But as time went on the races got harder and harder. I was not in them to win either, I was in them for pure enjoyment.
As i said the races got harder. More obstacles were put in. Jumps, rivets, bumps, all to mess us up. There was one race that I will never forget. All i could hear where the engines in front, behind, and next to me. We went around the track, dust and dirt hitting my goggles, and I am probably covered in mud. We all got to the jump, we were soaring high over it. The best feeling, flying free through the air. But then the landing, someone crashed. Everyone else began to panic. I fell into this trap, there was no way of getting around it. There were to many people down. When I came in contact with the ground i jumped off my bike. My body went one way and the ttr another. All i remember from that day was that moment, and then waking up in the hospital bed the next morning with a neck brace. But that didn't stop me, all I wanted to do is get back on the bike. I asked everyone what had happened and they would tell me over and over again, but i just sat there in pain and wondered why i couldn't remember. A month later I was back riding again. Nothing felt better then getting back on the bike, hearing the engine and just going full speed. I have not raced since that day because I still have a fear of that jump. One day i hope to conquer that. No matter how bad I will get injured if I am still capable of riding I will be riding.