Monday, October 28, 2013

Who's your brand? Suzuki?

Who's your brand: Suzuki Addition!

Known world wide as the yellow bike, Suzuki produces motorcycles, dirt bikes, scooters, and ATV's. Lately they have been very successful with their motocross bikes. Ricky Carmichael and Chad Reed race with Suzuki's fuel injected RM-Z450. Starting to get really popular for racing. Suspension very giving so does not hit ground as hard. Better turning bike then others. More comfortable for racing standards. 

Check out this dirt bike comparison:

If you're into a easy turning racing bike maybe Suzuki is for you!
Check out this website for more information or if you are looking to buy one!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Who's your brand? Yamaha

Who's your brand?
Yamaha Addition 

I own a Yamaha myself so I am a little bias towards them. I LOVE MY YAMAHA!! I have a ttr 125 le, 4 stroke trail bike. I love her to death. From the loudness of her engine to the way she rides. Perfect bike. But is Yamaha for you?

Yamaha produces everything from motorcycles and dirt bikes to boats. Yamaha is a very large company, but very good at what they do. They are not known as the fastest dirt bikes, but they are known as the most comfortable on the trails. (So if you do a lot of trail riding maybe Yamaha is for you!)

An older bike...but one of my favorites. Yamaha knows what they are doing every where from learners bikes to experienced. TTRs are common learning bikes the 80cc and 90cc are semi automatic-transmission, 50cc are fully automatic transmission, and the 125cc is a manual transmission. TTRs can go up to 450cc. (If you are looking to learn try a TTR, you won't regret it!) 

The new YZ-450F 2014 is absolutely amazing. More power for more improvement. New intake/ exhaust, new intake camshaft, new crankcase breather, new cylinder head with straight port, new piston, and new wrap around exhaust. To learn more check out the video on this link!!

If you think Yamaha is for you check it out!!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Who's your brand? KTM

 KTM addition 

Is KTM your brand?
KTM is primary a dirt bike carrier.They originate from Austria. They have bikes from trail bikes to bikes that are used in motocross and supercross series all over the world. They sell a bike for everyone. There bikes are constantly improving as they change from year to year. 125s-450s they will remodel the whole thing. Many companies have discontinued making two-stoke bikes because "they are dying out in the racing world". KTM has continued making 2-stokes and improving them (As the first video shows).

Because they keep the 2-stoke, KTM has been one of the worlds top sellers for 2-stoke dirt bikes. KTM has been looking into DFI, which is direct fuel injection. It injects fuel at high power (1,500 psi) into the combustion chamber after piston has closed the exhaust port. This makes the bike more "green" and does not allow any unburnt fuel from leaking into the atmosphere. Learn more about the KTM by checking out the next video!
If you are a racer and are looking for a fast bike with lots of power maybe a KTM is for you!?

Additional Information or if you're looking into buying one of these beauty's go to:

Forearm Pump

Arm pump or Forearm pump, all you riders have had it or heard about it. It SUCKS!!! Let me tell you. As we all know it happens to everyone regardless of age, sex, or race. I used to get severe cases of it when i was younger. Always trying to "rub it out" that never worked though.

Some tricks: strengthen the muscles in your arms, ride more, make sure you are wearing the correct gear (THAT FITS!), and stretch.

Strengthen: One could squeeze a stress ball. This tightens and looses the muscles in the forearm and starts to build up strength the longer one does this exercise. One can also hold light weights (3-5pds) in front of him/her and extend their wrists multiple times. This exercise strengthens the muscles in the wrist in the forearm and the wrist and it is a simulation of twisting the throttle.
Ride more: Isn't that the cure to all of our problems anyways!? I know it is for mine.
Correct gear: Make sure your gear fits properly. One does not want to get gloves or pants that are to tight. With out constant blood flow it can cut off circulation. With proper blood circulation it should reduce the amount of arm pump.
Stretch: One can flex and extend wrist multiple times before riding. This will loosen up the muscles.

-Hope this helps!

To learn more/ Additional Information:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


 Racing. Made for some difficult for others. I used to race and as long as I kept my helmet on I was one of the guys. It was such a good feeling. They rode just as hard, and they did not take it easy on me. They didn't know.
I won one race, it was completely amazing. I got off my bike and took my helmet off and then the boys were in shock. Some little kid in the crowd was telling his older brother "Matt you just got beat by a girl"...It was a great feeling. Ill never forget that day. But as time went on the races got harder and harder. I was not in them to win either, I was in them for pure enjoyment.
As i said the races got harder. More obstacles were put in. Jumps, rivets, bumps, all to mess us up. There was one race that I will never forget. All i could hear where the engines in front, behind, and next to me. We went around the track, dust and dirt hitting my goggles, and I am probably covered in mud. We all got to the jump, we were soaring high over it. The best feeling, flying free through the air. But then the landing, someone crashed. Everyone else began to panic. I fell into this trap, there was no way of getting around it. There were to many people down. When I came in contact with the ground i jumped off my bike. My body went one way and the ttr another. All i remember from that day was that moment, and then waking up in the hospital bed the next morning with a neck brace. But that didn't stop me, all I wanted to do is get back on the bike. I asked everyone what had happened and they would tell me over and over again, but i just sat there in pain and wondered why i couldn't remember. A month later I was back riding again. Nothing felt better then getting back on the bike, hearing the engine and just going full speed. I have not raced since that day because I still have a fear of that jump. One day i hope to conquer that. No matter how bad I will get injured if I am still capable of riding I will be riding.

How it all started.

I was eight years old, up at the lake house in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I used to hear my cousins rip up and down the street on their bikes. I would walk down to the sand pits with my uncles just to watch them. Dirt flying everywhere. Every brand of bike you could imagine; KTM, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and Honda. It was unimaginable. The boys were flying and flipping through the air as they hit the jumps. All I wanted to do was be on the back. I had to get one.
That day my cousin Robbie came up to me on his Kawasaki 250 and told me to hop on the back. (Remember that i am eight and a 250 is a pretty big bike for an eight year old) So my uncle picked me up and put me on the back of the bike. The bike started, he stepped down in 1st gear and we were off. I was holding on to Robbie for dear life. He took me around the track and then we came to a jump. All my uncles are screaming "Don't do that with her on the back!!", but he went for it anyways. 
My heart was pounding, so i squeezed Robbie tighter. We were in the air, maybe for only 30 seconds, but it was the feeling of a lifetime. It felt so free. When we hit the ground we were back to reality. We rode back to the lake house. I was still in shock, and so ecstatic that he let me be on the back. Dirt biking has been my passion since that day. It is now my life.
From that day on I knew I had to get my own. Robbie came with me to get my first dirt bike. We got it from one of his friends for only $800. I was pumped. It/ She was in perfect condition. She is a Yamaha TTR 125 LE. I love that bike more then anything. All the way from the glossy blue color, to the sound of the 4-stroke engine in her. Absolutely beautiful. She is treated like royalty but only after given a beating. 
Keep reading to learn more and more about my experiences and viewpoints. Dirt bike chicks are rare to find.